About Tanya & TPod Design


Hi, I'm Tanya Podawiltz!

I have three goals when I get out of bed each morning:

Learn something new, make someone smile, and create something beautiful.

I’m a little sarcastic, very punny, and a bit too fond of chocolate for my own good.

I consider myself a creative, in all the forms that takes. While I have a passion for digital design and marketing, you can also find me singing, painting, sewing, or helping my husband with his resin art.

Since I’m also a bit of a geek, I love applying psychology and other sciences, sprinkling them into my work whenever possible! That usually means more fun for me, and better results for clients.

How did it start?

When I was young, a good friend’s father was a graphic designer, so I got to see how things worked pretty early. Add to that an old copy of Adobe Photoshop and self-taught HTML, and I knew I wanted a job with computers and art.

Flash forward to college, majoring in Graphic Design and Printing Technology. I not only learned essential graphic and web design skills but also how to use the presses that print those designs. I can’t begin to explain how important that technical know-how is! (Plus, I got the added perk of meeting my future husband.)

A few years later I was married and worked for a small publishing company with a wide array of responsibilities. I made sales, designed the books, and ensured they were print-ready. On the side, I was also freelancing with my design skills and helping my husband start his business.

When the publishing company closed down with only 30 days’ notice, it was sink or swim time. My husband and I both worked there, so our entrepreneurial ventures were suddenly our only income. So, we pushed hard to launch his business in a meaningful way, and I’m happy to say we grew by leaps and bounds that year.

Enter my first client who wanted more than just design from me! I used my few years of experience getting our own business off the ground to lay a foundation for growth in her coaching endeavors. She then recommended me to a friend, and the rest is, as they say, history!

What's it like to work with me?

Hop over to my Process & FAQ page to learn more about the business side. 🙂

Fun Facts

Name: Tanya Podawiltz

Nickname: TPod

Birthday: May 28

Height: 5′ 2″ of pure intimidation. Kinda.

Hair color: Brown🟤

Eye color: Green🟢

Ultimate joy: Rocking out to music 🎶

Allergies: Cinnamon and lettuce. Yes, really.

Arch-nemesis: The semicolon at the end of a CSS attribute – I swear they disappear on their own.

Saving grace: The undo function…

Favorite quotes: “Creativity is intelligence having fun.”—Albert Einstein ●“I am not afraid. I was born to do this.”—Joan of Arc

Pets: 2 cats, Shinobi (He’s part Siamese and all trouble.) and Snickers (Possibly the most well-behaved cat I’ve ever owned).

Bonus Factoid: I love animated movies, especially Miyazaki movies. I have enough of the real world in the real world; give me some magic and beautiful art!