Growing your audience using Facebook Live is a great way to get the word out about your business, please your current audience, converts people to subscribers, and make more sales. There are many things to consider as you plan live events.

Give it Some Thought

It’s important that you give a lot of thought to performing a live event before you do it. Don’t do it just because the function exists or because everyone else is doing it. Do it because you can figure out why you should do it, how to do it, and exactly what you’ll do with it.

Have a Clear Purpose

When you do a live event you want to know exactly why you’re doing it. Are you doing it to provide more value to your audience? Are you doing it to convert subscribers to buyers? Are you doing it to promote a sale or something else entirely? When you know why you’re doing it, it’s going to be easier to ensure that you remember your calls to action.

Use Live in Conjunction with Other Facebook Features

Remember that Facebook Live isn’t just a standalone tool. You will want to do other types of updates outside of video, start a group, and create an amazing place for your audience to learn more.

Have a Good Time

A live event should be something that is fun and exciting. It’s really kind of like having a party if you really think about it. You’re able to invite your audience right into your life with a touch of a button and share anything with them.

Consider the Ambiance

What’s going on in the background is important as is the lighting, sound and other issues that make for a good live event. It’s important that you practice and study up on how to ensure that the background looks good along with the video itself looking and sounding good.

Remember: Stuff Happens

Let’s make something very clear about technology. It doesn’t always work. You’re going to experience glitches and problems; this is just the way it is with technology. Sometimes it’ll work really good and other times it won’t work at all. Be prepared and laugh it off. You can always do it over.

Put Your Audience First

Everything you do should have been passed through the lens of your audience. Will the audience enjoy it? Will the audience understand it? Is this something your audience even wants or needs? You don’t want your live events to be self-centered and all about you but rather about your audience.

Choose the Right Time of Day

This goes back to considering your audience. What is the right time of day to do a live event that works for most of your audience? Keep in mind that events are recorded and will get a lot of play later, but if you want a truly successful live event, make sure the time is right for your audience.

Stay Positive

When you do a live event people, get to look at your face, into your eyes and see your smile. They can pick up on much more on your personality due to the fact that they can hear your voice, see your expression, and look into your eyes. This is a great time to remember that positivity goes a long way. So, even if something goes wrong, laugh it off and stay positive.

Choose Your Audience Strategically

When you push out a live event, you can choose the audience that sees it. Ensure that you choose the right audience so that they’ll be happy to see it. Plus, the more you choose the better targeted the video will be if you’re knowledgeable about the audience in advance.

Be Consistent

When you start any type of marketing experiment it’s important to remember that consistency is a huge factor in creating success. Be consistent about putting out regular content, be consistent about answering questions, be consistent in the branding you use to promote your business and you’ll be that much more successful.

Repeat Your Point

When you do any type of video, it’s imperative that you remember to repeat your points. Consider that not everyone is watching from start to finish. Think about how news shows work; the reporters or spokesmen state their names, what their news or point is, and they mention a call to action many times during the “show”. You should do the same.

Remember that live events always take on a life of their own. Anything can and will happen. That’s great because the energy level that is created during the event will translate into an excited audience that is ready to convert.

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