by Tanya | Oct 18, 2016 | Public
Is it time to lighten up? This week’s Instagram tip is a quickie but goody. Take a look at your Instagram profile, with all of the pictures you’ve shared. (This part’s easier on a computer) How many of the pictures there are dark or dark-ish? I know,...
by Tanya | Oct 10, 2016 | Public
We now interrupt your regularly scheduled social media for this tip, posed as a question: If everyone else jumped off of a bridge, would you? Okay, now that I’m done channeling your mother, let’s actually consider the premise of that question. There are a million...
by Tanya | Oct 3, 2016 | Public
You have a Lead Magnet, now it’s time to email your opt-ins! You created an opt-in to build your list (No? Then grab the workbook!), and you’re ready to collect emails. But, what should you do once you have those emails? This week’s blog is about...
by Tanya | Jul 11, 2016 | Public
by Tanya | Jul 4, 2016 | Public
by Tanya | Jun 18, 2016 | Public
And why you might use them in social marketing. Those sparkles (✨), along with the occasional smile (😊) or wink (😉) I throw in, are called Emoji or Emoticons. They’re symbols that are generally just for fun, but they can serve a purpose. If you didn’t...