Determine What Your Subscribers Want And Delight By Delivering

Determine What Your Subscribers Want And Delight By Delivering

Effective marketing boils down to this: Find an audience, figure out what they need or want, and then deliver it. Email is one of the best mediums to help you do just that, and it isn’t always about selling them on a product. In fact, you don’t want to start there at...
Email Frequency – When Should You Email?

Email Frequency – When Should You Email?

Wouldn’t it be easy if there was a number or a schedule you could follow for your email frequency? While it would be great if there were research which suggested that mailing exactly every five days gets you the best results every time, there is no such thing. And...
5 Tips to Create an Irresistible Email Subject Line

5 Tips to Create an Irresistible Email Subject Line

The hard truth: if your email subject line is no good, your email won’t get opened and you’ve wasted your time. If you can’t get your subscribers to open your emails, it doesn’t matter how good the actual email is! It’s easy to spend a lot of time crafting...
Email Delivery Rates – 3 Tips to Hit 100%

Email Delivery Rates – 3 Tips to Hit 100%

Your email delivery rate is one of the most important numbers in your email marketing toolbox. It doesn’t make sense to send emails that no one is getting, after all! If those emails land in your subscribers’ spam folders, you don’t have a chance to make a...
Facebook Ads In Mailchimp!

Facebook Ads In Mailchimp!

I just saw this announcement, and it was a stop the presses! moment for me. You can now build your Facebook Ads right inside MailChimp. Now, if you’ve known me for any length of time at all, you’ll know that I’m a MailChimp Monkey. You want it to do...