Define Your Dream Client

Define Your Dream Client

Before you can design a follow-up sequence that compels readers to take action, you have to know exactly who those readers are.You hopefully have a clear idea who your dream client is. But are your initial offer and subsequent follow-up messages in line with that ideal? Many times they’re not, and that can cause your funnel to fall apart before you even get a chance to know your subscribers better — or them you.Your initial offer should flow naturally into your first email follow-up, which presents the next logical step for readers to take. At each step (or email) along the way, the next logical move — whether to download a whitepaper, join a private Facebook group, or purchase a product — is a definite “no-brainer.” And this entire sequence is designed to appeal to the person who most needs and wants the information you have to offer.

When you think about your dream client, there are several key pieces to consider:
Her current business or life goals. Is she a brand new business owner or savvy, 7-figure entrepreneur? You likely will not resonate with both (no one can), so if your focus is on beginners, it makes no sense to create offers designed to appeal to established business owners.Her financial status. Can she afford your services and products? This is especially important if your dream client is just starting out.Her location. Even if you’re doing business online, location can be significant. For example, exchange rates can make your US-based coaching programs prohibitively expensive for Canadian buyers. Location is even more important if you host local Meetups or retreats.Her drive. Will she happily and willingly take the actions required to move to the next step? Does she honestly want the goal she set for herself, or is she just a tire kicker who likes the idea of reaching the goal, but is unwilling to do the work?

Throughout the course of your career, your dream client avatar will evolve. You may move from coaching beginners to a more intermediate client. You may narrow or change your coaching focus. You may even discover that the person you thought was your dream client is not a good fit for you personality wise.For all of these reasons and more, it’s a good idea to revisit your dream client avatar from time to time, and most definitely before you go to the time and trouble to set up a whole new funnel. So let’s rediscover your dream client here before we get started.

Exercise: Define Your Dream Client
Get out a piece of paper or open a text document on your computer. Make sure you go over each point above and consider points specific to your niche. For example, if your dream client is a mom, how old are her children? Their age could affect what information you offer.