List segments take personas and avatars a step further because there are more ways you can group your list depending on their behaviors.To multiply your email marketing ROI you need to send targeted info to subscribers based on their behaviors. The best way to do that is email segmentation.

According to the Direct Marketing Association, almost 80 percent of return on investment comes from, “segmented, targeted, and triggered campaigns.”

Eighty percent. This is a very big number, especially in terms of email marketing statistics. It’s important not to undervalue the meaning of this. This means that if you haven’t set up tagging, behavioral triggers, and other ways to segment your audience you can improve your conversions many times over just by doing this.

Just by doing something that you can automate you can make a huge difference in your return on investment. In other words, you can put this process on autopilot and see a great improvement in your email marketing results simply by using list segmentation.

Of course, it’s imperative that you understand the best ways to segment your audience before you do it. The best way to figure this out is to look at your customer buying cycle and seek to segment your list members based on where they are in the cycle, and you can do this using behavioral triggers and tags. Only segment in other ways when you know exactly why you’re doing it.

Campaign Monitor states that each dollar spent on email marketing generates 38 dollars in return on investment. This puts email marketing solidly in the lead for return on investment above all other marketing categories. No matter what anyone says, the money is still in the list. (Sorry, Facebook!)

In addition, you can get a lot more money out of your list if you’re using basic and sound segmenting. Most autoresponder software, like MailChimp, Aweber, or ConvertKit, already offer the ability to set up segmentation of some kind including tagging, or the ability to create sublists that will enhance your marketing efforts.

When you consider that a little more than 1/3 of online marketers aren’t segmenting their lists, that leaves a lot of possibilities for you to command the marketplace by putting segmenting at the top of your priority list. Thankfully, with today’s technology, you can add segmentation in later for your “old school” list that will do wonders for your return on investment.

List segmentation is extremely effective because people like to feel important. They like to open an email and feel as if you can read their mind. If you set up different email series to run based on your customer’s behavior and where they are in the buying cycle they will respond in amazing ways.

So, yes, the answer is that list segmentation is very effective and every single person who has an email list should develop some sort of segmentation to help improve conversions.

Looking for help?

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