I just saw this announcement, and it was a stop the presses! moment for me. You can now build your Facebook Ads right inside MailChimp.

The monkey MailChimp sent me for Christmas (yes, really!) and a lovely, punny card from a client

The monkey MailChimp sent me for Christmas (yes, really!) and a lovely, punny card from a client

Now, if you’ve known me for any length of time at all, you’ll know that I’m a MailChimp Monkey. You want it to do something, and if it can be done, I will make it happen. Don’t think it can be done? You might be surprised. I’ve been a paid user since 2015 and used the free level since 2012, so I know a lot of powerful features that many don’t realize are available. They’ve made some pretty intense feature growth in the past year, so I’m more impressed than ever with them. Now they’ve gone and added Facebook ads right into their platform, and I don’t think I could be a bigger fan!

Facebook ads have a reputation among entrepreneurs as being complicated and confusing. So, MailChimp streamlined and shortened the process, and added it to their own system.

Why is that so awesome? Building an ad where you build your emails will save you time, plus it’s simplified from the Facebook interface. Additionally, if you’re already integrated with your eCommerce solution you can build ads targeting that eCommerce information and see your ROI immediately. Huge points there, especially because MailChimp doesn’t take a cut! Everything you pay is directly sent to Facebook with no middle-man fee.

Press play for a preview of the new Facebook ads feature MailChimp is rolling out!


If you aren’t already using it, now is a great time to try MailChimp. If you use my affiliate link to sign up we’ll both get a $30 credit, so you can use the paid service for free (or at a big discount, if your list is a big one).

[su_button url=”http://eepurl.com/p49pP” target=”blank” background=”#FF8737″ size=”9″ center=”yes” icon=”icon: envelope” text_shadow=”1px 1px 2px #C5682B”]Try MailChimp![/su_button]


Have questions about MailChimp and how it compares to other services?

Ask me! Comment below with your questions – I’ve used a lot of platforms, so I will give you my honest feedback about the relative strengths and weaknesses.