Today we’re discussing your resources page, and why you should have one if you don’t already. If you haven’t yet, make sure you read the first post in this series about planning, and the second part about becoming an author!

If you don’t already have one, it’s time to add a Resources page to your website. This becomes a great source of passive income once you join the affiliate programs for those resources and use those links! Your audience is curious. They want to know:

  • What tools you use in your own business
  • What training programs you’ve studied and recommend
  • What advertising platforms you use
  • What books you’ve read and loved
  • Whose blog you read
  • Who designed your logo
  • Who you turn to for technical advice
  • Where you go for marketing advice
  • And a host of other resources

In fact, next to your “About” page, a well-planned resource page might just be the most visited page on your site. Here’s mine, as an example (opens in a new tab): Resources

It’s time to capitalize on that potential traffic with some strategic monetization in the form of affiliate links and partnerships.

Here’s How:

Start by making a big list of all the tools you use on a regular basis. One good way to create a list fast is to go through your passwords file. You’ll quickly see all of the sites you log into regularly, such as your shopping cart, your membership sites, your favorite plugin provider, etc.

Next, think of all the training programs you’ve purchased. You probably have them stored in a folder on your computer, so open that up and make a list of what’s relevant.

What about joint venture partners? Have you worked with other coaches or service providers you’d recommend? Even if they don’t have an official affiliate program, you may be able to work out a private referral program, so don’t be afraid to ask.

Be sure when you’re adding links to your page that you use your affiliate link when one is available, and be sure you have the appropriate disclaimers in place when you do.


Click Here for your Fillable Resources Brainstorming Sheet!


P.S. — If you want a full, in-depth guide on adding affiliate income to your business, I highly recommend the Authentic Affiliate Academy by Nicole Liloia. She takes you step by step from mindset to choosing affiliate programs that work best for your audience, and even creating your own affiliate program! She’s incredibly active and supportive in the Facebook Group for this program, always asking and answering questions or providing new tips. I also work with Nicole, so I can attest to how much time, effort, and passion she has put into Authentic Affiliate Academy. Her approach isn’t sales-y or slime-y, but very service-centered. Worth every penny, and it can pay for itself!

See the rest of the series:

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