Your autoresponders, also called automation, drip sequences, welcome series, and a million other names. When is the last time you reviewed your autoresponder messages? While it’s great that you can simply “set it and forget it,” if you don’t take the time to review your results, you’re probably leaving money on the table… and maybe scaring off potential clients with outdated information!

If you’re thinking right now, “I don’t have autoresponders…” you’re missing out!

I prefer MailChimp for email marketing, but Awebber, ConvertKit and many others also offer this feature.

Consider why your subscribers joined your list in the first place. What was the offer he or she opted in for? For some people this means having different autoresponders for different opt-ins, to give your subscribers the best content. Your autoresponder sequence should build on that, leading naturally from one offer to the next while providing additional value.

For example, if you offer a quick start guide for healthy meal planning as your opt-in incentive, then your autoresponders can add value and build your passive income by:

  • Sharing cookbooks for recipes — both free and paid
  • Sharing tips on bentos, along with links to boxes and tools
  • Sharing snacking tips and an affiliate link to an excellent book about the subject
  • Providing case studies about your success with meal plans, with an offer for a full training program
  • Detailing your opinion on a new tool, such as a retargeting pixel manager

All of this is a natural follow-up to the initial opt-in, so it’s welcome information for them and an opportunity for you to earn passive income with affiliate links.

If you don’t yet have an opt-in offer or content upgrades, you can create one pretty quickly. It doesn’t have to be elaborate or even comprehensive. In fact, brief content often makes a more compelling offer, so consider:

  • Checklists
  • Worksheets
  • Mindmaps
  • Resource guides
  • Audio or video replays

If you want to get really fancy, you can have autoresponders for your autoresponders. Using the example above, if a subscriber clicks on the link for a bento box, many email marketing platforms will let you add or move them to another autoresponder just for bento topics. However, you don’t need to go that deep. It can be as simple or complex as you need it to be. To help you plan it out, I’ve whipped up a sheet to help you decide what to send and when:

[su_button url=”” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#FF8737″ size=”12″ center=”yes” icon=”icon: download” text_shadow=”1px 1px 2px #C5682B”]Download Your Autoresponder Planning Sheet[/su_button]


If you’re ready for an autoresponder series but you don’t know how to make it happen, I can set it up for you. Go grab your Autoresponder Setup Package here!

See the rest of the series:

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