If you’re blogging (and you should be) then your blog is a fantastic source of passive income. We’ve already talked about adding a resource page, but now let’s dive into the blog posts themselves.

Each and every blog post has a job to do. You should never spend your time writing, editing, formatting, and promoting a post whose only task is to take up space on your site.

Instead, each post should have a strong focus that leads naturally to a solid call to action.

Calls to action can be:

  • An offer to buy a product or service
  • An invitation to a discovery call
  • A recommendation to check out an affiliate or JV offer
  • An opt-in offer (more on this in the next part)
  • An invitation to your Facebook or Linkedin Group

Even a link to read more about the subject, or leave a comment. Of course, in the lead-up to these calls to action, you should clearly be demonstrating your mastery and positioning yourself as an expert in your field. That’s really why you’re blogging, isn’t it?

The point is, each post is an opportunity to grow your following and create passive income — either directly or indirectly — and your call to action should be foremost in your mind as you’re writing each article.

If that sentence was at all uncomfortable for you, it’s time for a mindset shift. I really recommend you try the Authentic Affiliate Academy to not only increase your income but be of fuller service to your clients!

Blogging consistently is important, and if you’ve been blogging for any real length of time you probably have dozens, or maybe hundreds, of posts that are not as well monetized as they could be. So, for this step, you’re going to sort all of your posts by which ones receive the most traffic and start creating those compelling calls to action.

[su_button url=”https://tpoddesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Blog-Boosting-Sheet.pdf” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#FF8737″ size=”12″ center=”yes” icon=”icon: download” text_shadow=”1px 1px 2px #C5682B”]Download Your Blog Boosting Sheet[/su_button]


Once you’ve done that, you’ll republish the best ones with current dates (that will move them to the top of your blog) and add them to your social media promotion queue, so you can get more eyes on them. If you’re using a service like RecurPost that reposts your content on a regular basis, that’s one less task for you! If you see one converting particularly well, consider running a Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest ad for it, depending on what medium is getting you the most traffic. You can also send a “best of” email to your list promoting those posts.

Remember your autoresponders from the previous part? Consider adding blog posts to relevant autoresponder sequences, so that subscribers who just met you can quickly find your best content. Don’t wait for a chance meeting — you have to lead them to your most important information. This is another way to soft-sell while providing immediate value.


Want help monetizing your blog posts?
Go grab your Blog Post Setup/Update Package here!

See the rest of the series:

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