Successful Facebook Live streaming is used every day by many entrepreneurs to improve their brand, expand awareness, and get more subscribers. Some people have managed to use Facebook Live and Facebook marketing to build their entire business the way that they want it. Look at some of the people using Facebook Live and making an impact.

  • Chewbacca Mom – Who hasn’t seen this by now? A mom decided to put on a Chewbacca mask and livestream it to Facebook. She got over 95 million views. At first glance, you might not see how this relates to you, but think about why this post went viral. There’s something to be said for the human connection; her joy was irrefutable and contagious.
  • Ester the Wonder PigYes, a pig. Really! This is an interesting use of Facebook Live, which follows Ester the pig and her family through life and how this household lives with a 700-pound pig in their house. By connecting with others through Facebook Live, they were able to raise the money to buy a farm so they could keep Ester.
  • Liz Cook Tattoos – Liz records her work on her customers using Facebook Live, which essentially works as her testimonial stack, too. This beats a normal check-in any day! Using live streaming, you can get the word out about your services and provide info about what happens behind-the-scenes. How can you showcase yourself while featuring customers so they feel special?
  • Genevieve Morton – This model takes people behind the scenes of how a model shoot looks and works using Facebook Live. She’s increased her followers, engagement, and more, all through using Facebook Live. This clearly gives her social influence, making her more desirable in her market. You can apply the same ideas to any business. Building your audience will make you more desirable for joint ventures and more visible for other opportunities.
  • Kimra Luna – She’s a sassy branding and social media marketing rockstar who has really made a name for herself using Facebook groups and Facebook Live to expand her market. She definitely has a look you don’t forget, and her straightforward personality comes through in video beautifully, making it easier to connect with her loyal following.
  • Robert Reich – He’s a polarizing political figure (you’ve been warned) and financial expert who boils down information into easy to understand bites using Facebook Live and other videos to get his information out there. He does live streams on a pretty regular basis and even named his live streaming series – a great practice to help rally your audience.
  • Brendon Burchard – Author of The Motivation Manifesto, The Charge, High Performance Habits, and more, he’s an author, speaker, and trainer who is killing it right now using Facebook Live. My current favorite is this live stream – it’s relatable (excited, up against a deadline, at baggage claim at the airport), builds excitement about his newest product, and it’s real. Baseball cap and chilling on the floor real. That’s how you connect with others, even through a screen.
  • Social Media Examiner – These are experts when it comes to social media use for business, including Facebook Live. They’ve combined Blab with Facebook Live, so basically air their podcast via Live. Two birds, meet one stone!
  • Pig Minds Brewing Company – This is a pub and brewery using Live to show sales, events, and more at the last minute. They don’t plan the events in advance but they use them to get the attention of their audience and invite them down to their pub for some fun and refreshment. Plus, those into handcrafted ales will resonate with the behind-the-scenes feel.

These pages will give you some examples of what different types of businesses and people are doing with Facebook Live. You can translate Facebook Live to almost any type of business if you give it some thought.

Remember, getting your personality across to those who will resonate is faster and easier (even if you hate video) than using text. According to Dr. Albert Mehrabian, author of Silent Messages, up to 93% of communication is non-verbal. Can you afford to lose 93% of your message?

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