Thank you pages are one of the top opportunities I see overlooked. Few products stand alone. There is always something more to learn, tools to help us be more efficient, and related concepts to explore. Your download, or thank you page is the perfect place to help...
Now that you have most of your posts monetized and ready to start building passive income, let’s talk about getting more subscribers on your list so your autoresponder can do its job. You probably have an opt-in offer in your header, in a sidebar, and maybe in your...
If you don’t have a Facebook Group yet yourself, you’re probably a member of one (or more). Why? 6 months ago, every Facebook Page post was seen by 100 people. 3 months ago it was 50. Now it’s what, 6? Have You Started A Facebook Group? Groups offer...
Amazing graphics without pricey software I used Photoshop to make most of my graphics – and I would highly recommend that to anyone. However, did you know there’s a free, online option you can use to create your own images with text? This week’s tip...