Your email delivery rate is one of the most important numbers in your email marketing toolbox. It doesn’t make sense to send emails that no one is getting, after all! If those emails land in your subscribers’ spam folders, you don’t have a chance to make a...
Your autoresponders, also called automation, drip sequences, welcome series, and a million other names. When is the last time you reviewed your autoresponder messages? While it’s great that you can simply “set it and forget it,” if you don’t take the time to review...
If you don’t have a Facebook Group yet yourself, you’re probably a member of one (or more). Why? 6 months ago, every Facebook Page post was seen by 100 people. 3 months ago it was 50. Now it’s what, 6? Have You Started A Facebook Group? Groups offer...
Is it time to lighten up? This week’s Instagram tip is a quickie but goody. Take a look at your Instagram profile, with all of the pictures you’ve shared. (This part’s easier on a computer) How many of the pictures there are dark or dark-ish? I know,...